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Applied Technology Group - SCIA Partnet

Applied Technology Group SDN BHD

Official Reseller

About UAB In Re

With a mission to create & provide post-graduate training opportunities & professional seminars & courses of excellent quality, we are committed to the enhancement of skills & knowledge in the Construction, Engineering, Manufacturing & Information Technology industries.

International industrial experts.

International Professional speakers with wealth of knowledge and experience are engaged to deliver knowledge on specific lessons at our seminars. Quality & highly effective presentation. We provide industry specific training programs at post graduate level. Participants will gain a rewarding & beneficial experience at our programs to enable them to add value to their organization. All seminars are deliver in a very comfortable hotel environment couple with the use of various audio visual aid, to increase the effectiveness of the learning process.

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Přihlaste se k odběru našeho zpravodaje

Cenné postřehy z odvětví, aktuální tipy a triky pro náš software, exkluzivní pozvánky na webináře a mnoho dalších informací a zajímavostí: v našem měsíčním zpravodaji se vše včas dozvíte!

Neváhejte a přihlaste se k odběru!
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