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SCIA Partner - UAB

About UAB In Re

We help companies in the Industry 4.0 and Construction 4.0 markets to adopt and effectively use the world’s leading innovative digital platforms for design, manufacture and product lifecycle maintenance.

High performance, ease of use, speed of deployment and implementation, guarantee of technical support and acceptable total cost of our solutions, even for small companies with limited resources, ensure success and fast return on investment, market share and competitiveness in the global economy.

We see the impact of our solutions and software products on engineers and designers all over the world. They make the world a better place.

And we are happy to be involved in your success!

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Cenné postřehy z odvětví, aktuální tipy a triky pro náš software, exkluzivní pozvánky na webináře a mnoho dalších informací a zajímavostí: v našem měsíčním zpravodaji se vše včas dozvíte!

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