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Nonlinear functions for Layher Allround diagonals

This database file can be imported in SCIA Engineer. It contains nonlinear functions for the Layher Allround diagonals with K2000+ couplers.

This database file can be imported in SCIA Engineer. It contains nonlinear functions for the Layher Allround diagonals with K2000+ couplers.

The Layher Allround Zulassung Z-8.22.64 describes spring resistances for tension and compression in Table 7 and design resistances for tension and compression forces in Table 8. Based on these tables nonlinear functions can be created, for example:


Download the EP_NonLinearFunction.db4 file to your computer.

Start a new SCIA Engineer project or open an existing project and go to the Nonlinear functions library (Main menu > Libraries > Structure and analysis > Nonlinear functions).

Click on Read database from file and select the downloaded EP_NonLinearFunction.db4 file:

Import the desired nonlinear functions or import all nonlinear functions in the project:

Now you can assign the nonlinear function as a hinge to one end of the desired diagonal(s).

Note that for the analysis the axial stiffness of the diagonal should be infinite since the spring values defined in the Zulassung replace both the stiffness of the diagonal elements and its connections. This can be achieved by activating the property modifiers functionality and applying a correction factor of 10 for Ax:

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