The construction is located in Melnik, Czech Republic. The primary purpose of the system is to improve the environmental conditions by reducing SOx emissions.
The current DESOx project is one of the biggest industrial projects realized here. The main part of this amazing project consists of large-dimension ducts (more than 250 m long with max diameter of 6 m) together with supports and service platforms. All these structures create one static system.
Collisions and feasibility checked in one complex model.”
The design of steel parts was performed simultaneously with other professions (piping, electric wiring, technological equipment). Due to this fact using BIM tools was really essential. Collisions and feasibility were checked in one complex model. In addition, the model included also a 3D laser scan of the power plant.
SCIA Engineer allowed us to work with different construction parts in one model (e.g. 1D + 2D members or non-linear supports). The structures were analysed and evaluated according to the Eurocodes. Structural reports were created using the Engineering Report tool.
Client information
ALLCONS Industry s.r.o. is an engineering company engaged in the field of structural design of steel and concrete structures. The main sphere of its activities is the preparation of design and structural documentation for civil buildings, technological structures for power generating, chemical and steel industries.
The activities of the company include all works from studies up to the production of workshop documentation, including simulations of structural behaviour, manufacturing of steel structures, manufacture and designer supervision.

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