The 3D Freeform modeller is a tool for modelling of 3D volumetric shapes, primarily devoted for use in structural engineering. It offers all the benefits of full 3D modelling, such as making input in any direction or plane in 3D, rendered or transparent display of edited entities.
The basic solid modelling features are located under service Structure => Modelling/Drawing => Solid. Basic available types are:
- Prism
- Cylinder
- Surface of revolution
Next to these general 3D volumes, there are also open shell-types:
- Open shell - general polygon
- Open shell - surface of revolution
- Open shell - swept surface
This default set can also be extended by the user with the “Parametric modelling” module sen.06.
The 3D Freeform modeller handles volumes, which are basically based on curved shapes. All definition curves can be edited by moving their definition points in a very fast and intuitive way.

This approach allows creating almost any shape quite easily.

The predefined shapes follow the same logic as any other block in SCIA Engineer. You can set parameters in the dialog, but once placed in the model space the shape is fixed and no longer parametrically editable. Advanced modelling of general solids, such as extruded solids, solids of revolution, etc. Boolean operations, namely intersection, union, subtraction, can be applied to solids together with sophisticated functions for the modification of solid shape (meshing of surfaces, geometrical manipulations with nodes).
Input of basic solids by means of extrusion and rotation of lines and curves
Volumetric shapes can be created in 2 ways: extrusion or rotation. Any line or edge can be straight or curved, so it is possible to create a large variety of shapes.

All curves keep their type and can be edited any time later. All curves/lines follow the position of their definition points, so fast and easy editing is possible by moving those points with any of the geometry editing functions. Regular “move”, “scale”, “stretch” functions can be used as well as numerical editing of coordinates of vertexes by the table-edit function. Parametrisation is available as in other SCIA Engineer entities, so volumes can be used to create parametric templates without any limitations. For parametrisation is required “Parametric modelling” module sen.06.
3D Boolean operations
Boolean operations are a standard tool for the efficient modelling of 3D shapes. The 3D modeller supports all common operations:
- Union
- Subtraction
- Intersection (XOR)
- Division (OR)

As mentioned above, 3D modeller is equipped with a set of functions for efficient lateral modification of solids. This is based on the technology of multilevel definition of surfaces, which allows handling both primary and also secondary level geometry definition, which is, created by means of internal distinctness of surface faces.
Required modules:
- sen.00

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